Friday, May 30, 2008

Track Meet

today we had a track meet. 1 we really stink except in the races. 2 I did horrible except on long jump i came 8 out of 20 and 3 it was way too sunny. allot of people loaded up on sugar and junk food and sadly john lost his wallet again T_T. and still giving away golem

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

dimo ranks

there are allot of ranks in dimo:

C.O.D.E masters Justin, John and Lyden
sr. master
master Josh
jr. master
sr. pro
pro Nathan
jr pro Elliot
minor Nolan
cool man

I will post promotions and current ranks each few weeks! so look out and hope you are in the top three. top three get reward card (no codemasters).
1. Justin
2. John
3. Josh
4. lyden
6. Elliot
7. Nolan

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Hi Codemaster Fusion here and ya. so this is the offical blog of dimo and yaddy yaddy ya and stuff. so post and send me stuff to post. oh and giving away a golem card post if want.